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More than Before: A First-Generation College Student Guide (2017)

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Purchase on Amazon (Spanish)

As a first-generation college student, I remember the college application process being an extreme battle full of obstacles and road blocks that children with parents who went to college may not have to face. Over the last few years, I have found many commonalities between first-generation college students. I decided to search the web one day to see if there were any great handbooks for first-generation college students and my search ended in disappointment. After finding no good resources for first-generation college students, I decided to just write it myself.


"More than Before" includes my own personal experience in addition to being a practical guide. It is broken into three parts--high school, college and post-college. It is a book that is intended to be practical and useful, while also being inspirational.


I am proud that "More than Before" is required reading for students in the education program at New Door Ventures in San Francisco, used by counseling offices at several Bay Area schools and endorsed by SF Supervisor Katy Tang. I am looking forward to partnering with other schools, non-profits, and leaders.


Paperback and Kindle versions are available on Amazon. Audiobook available on iTunes and Audible. A Spanish version is also available.

PDF version of Appendices to "More than Before" 

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The Three Little Pork Chops
and Other Food Fables (2018)

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During PT in 2018, I had the idea of taking well-known children's stories and reimagining them with foods replacing the traditional characters. There are five stories in the book based on, The Three Little Pigs, Tortoise and the Hare, The Ugly Dumpling, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The stories have been written and are now being illustrated. Stay tuned for updates.  

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